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Platform Traded Vehicles (PTVs) are changing the landscape of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), which are often used to aggregate smaller investors into a single, institutional investment. Assets raised into PTVs can be used to invest as a block into all manner of private opportunities - from limited partnerships to early-stage growth companies or even multi-billion dollar tech unicorns - that may one day make their debut on a global stock exchange.

PTVs get a NEO Connect ticker symbol and their private shares are visible in investment accounts. This dramatically improves shareholder management, increases transparency for investors, and streamlines the go-public process if a SPV liquidates or converts into a public company listed on one of North America’s public stock markets.

Advantages for Companies: Stay Private, Efficiently

Maintain shareholder records in an efficient, streamlined, and proven way identical to public companies listed on an exchange. With the support of a NEO Connect ticker symbol and Transfer Agent, we provide the capability to support units, preferred shares, warrants, and other instruments fully electronic and on-book in preparation for a liquidity event.

Benefits for Shareholders: Transparency

Investing in SPVs can be difficult and shareholder certificates are challenging for investors to track and stay engaged with the company and their investment. NEO Connect converts those shareholder certificates into electronic shares so investors and their financial advisors can see private investments in their brokerage account alongside public company stock and ETF positions, providing transparency and visibility into company progress.

Benefits for Shareholders: Faster Transition to a Public Listing

If a PTV liquidates, the process of converting shares or units is seamless for the investor and typically tradable within days, not weeks, after an IPO or merger with another public company.


Already have an SPV and preparing for a liquidity event?

NEO Connect can prepare you for a go-public transaction and significantly improve the investor experience, streamline record keeping for shareholders, and simplify the transition to a listed public company on a stock exchange.

To view the NEO Connect Listings Directory click here.

Questions? Contact us to learn more. | (416) 933-5959